Digital Marketing Packages/Cost in India

Are you looking for Digital Marketing Packages but unsure about the cost? You’re in the right place! Here, you can explore digital marketing services and find out the prices of digital marketing packages in India. Let’s jump in to discover the 2024 digital marketing costs in India.

Digital Marketing Cost/Package

Digital Marketing Packages In India

Our Digital Marketing ServicesOur Packages CostView Our Packages
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)20K- 45K INR / (250$- 600$) Per MonthOur Packages
Social Media Marketing (SMM)12K- 35K INR / (165$- 480$) Per MonthOur Packages
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)10K – 30K INR / (140$-415$) Per MonthOur Packages
Social Media Optimization (SMO)15K- 40K INR / (210$- 550$) Per MonthOur Packages
Website Development10K- 25K INR / (150$- 320$)Our Packages
Facebook Marketing10K- 28K INR / (150$- 400$) Per MonthOur Packages

Given the significant influence that search engines wield in today’s world, can you imagine achieving business success without making a strong online impression?

It’s not just a claim; we’d like to inform you that more than 93% of online interactions commence with a search engine!

In today’s fast-paced digital era, where individuals reach for their mobile phones before even opening their eyes in the morning, success in any field is unattainable without embracing the advantages of Digital Marketing. Quickly familiarize yourself with the costs associated with digital marketing and take a decisive step towards the success of your venture!

The pivotal factor influencing every decision in digital marketing is the cost. One common yet crucial question arises: How much do digital marketing packages cost?

While the question may seem straightforward, the answer involves various considerations. In this post, we aim to simplify the intricacies of digital marketing packages and their costs in India, enabling you to make informed decisions and embrace digital marketing positively.

It’s essential to note that the digital marketing prices provided may vary depending on the digital marketing agency you choose. The presented costs are derived from a combination of standard research and our own digital marketing pricing consideration.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing involves utilizing online marketing and advertising strategies to promote business growth. These strategies make use of digital channels such as search engines, email, social media, and other websites to engage with both existing and potential customers.

Why Digital Marketing Packages?

There are numerous compelling reasons to delve into Digital Marketing Packages. Let’s explore a few of them:

1. More than 80% of customers conduct online searches before making purchases.
– The way customers shop has undergone significant changes. When will you adapt your selling techniques?

2. Over 78% of local searches lead to offline conversations.
– Don’t overlook potential nearby customers if you run a local business. Begin Digital Marketing today!

3. More than 70% of shoppers prefer reading about products online rather than through traditional means.
– Online content remains influential. Are you harnessing the benefits of content marketing?

4. Over 40% of traffic on e-commerce stores originates from Google Searches.
– This fact is quite intriguing! Is your e-commerce store attracting enough traffic?

5. People spend nearly 3-4 hours on their mobile phones.
– Such exposure is unparalleled. Why not make your mark on their devices? Start Digital Marketing Today!

How Much Do Digital Marketing Packages Cost In India?

In many instances, businesses enlist the services of digital marketing agencies to manage related activities. These agencies typically have their own pricing structures for the digital marketing services they provide.

You’ll encounter a range of digital marketing package costs, from budget-friendly to more expensive options, and the choice is yours in deciding how to proceed.

Digital marketing agencies put in considerable effort to enhance your brand visibility and generate leads, offering quality services at competitive prices.

Various factors influence digital marketing pricing and budget, including the size of your company and the scope of your project. On average, the digital marketing budget for small businesses, particularly SMBs, can range from ₹20,000 to ₹100,000 per year.

Remember that digital marketing is an ongoing process, so your budget may increase as your business grows.

How Much Do Digital Marketing Packages Cost In India?

Since, digital marketing services are usually offered by freelancers, digital agencies, and consultants, the actual marketing cost depends on the pricing model decided between the service provider and beneficiary. There are primarily three digital marketing pricing models:

Monthly Digital Marketing Packages

It’s straightforward. In this pricing model, your business pays a monthly retainer fee to sustain ongoing digital marketing efforts. This is a widely used digital marketing pricing model, especially when aiming to maintain a consistent digital presence for your business.

Hourly Digital Marketing Packages

This pricing model is suitable when engaging with digital marketing freelancers or consultants. In such instances, you’ll be charged an hourly rate for the services provided. Occasionally, agencies also adopt this model for additional efforts or short-term campaigns.

Project-Based Digital Marketing Packages

In the project-based model, a comprehensive cost estimate is provided, often with a step-wise payment plan. For instance, 25% may be due at the start of the project, with the remainder paid in multiple stages. The precise digital marketing cost is determined by factors such as the project scope, available budget, and campaign goals.

Average Digital Marketing Cost In India

On average, the annual digital marketing cost typically ranges from 3 lakh to 70 lakh. Many businesses are comfortable spending between 5000 to 15000 per hour. For a monthly commitment, the digital marketing cost falls between 18 lakh and 70 lakh. Alternatively, with project-based pricing, the annual cost tends to be between 3 lakh and 40 lakh.

On Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. This includes optimizing the content, HTML source code, and other elements of a webpage in order to make it more easily discoverable by search engines and to improve the chances that it will rank higher in search results. Some common on-page SEO techniques include using relevant keywords in the page’s title and body, optimizing the page’s meta tags and descriptions, and ensuring that the page’s URL structure is clean and easy to read.

Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to the practices that go beyond a website and help improve its search engine rankings. It involves improving the visibility and credibility of a website through the acquisition of backlinks from other websites. Backlinks are links that point from other websites to your website. The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the more likely it is to rank well in search engine results. Some common off-page SEO techniques include link building, social media marketing, and content marketing. It is important to note that while off-page SEO can be very effective, it is also more difficult to control than on-page SEO, as it involves activities that take place outside of your own website.


Keyword Research

There are several ways to do keyword research, and the best approach will depend on your specific needs and goals. Here are a few key steps you can follow:

  1. Identify your target audience: Think about who you are trying to reach with your website or content, and what type of information they might be searching for.

  2. Determine your goals: What do you want to achieve with your keyword research? Do you want to increase traffic to your website, or are you more focused on improving your search rankings for specific keywords?

  3. Make a list of relevant keywords: Start by generating a list of keywords that are relevant to your business or website. You can use a keyword research tool, such as Google’s Keyword Planner, to help you come up with ideas.

  4. Analyze the competition: Look at how your competitors are using keywords on their websites and in their content. This can give you a sense of what is working for them, and help you identify opportunities to differentiate your own content.

  5. Evaluate the search volume and difficulty of each keyword: Use a keyword research tool to assess the search volume and difficulty of each keyword on your list. This will help you prioritize your efforts and focus on the keywords that are most likely to drive traffic and improve your search rankings.

  6. Use your keywords strategically: Once you have a list of keywords that you want to target, you can start using them in your website’s content, meta tags, and other on-page elements to improve your search engine rankings and drive more relevant traffic to your site.

Keyword Research

Link building is the process of acquiring backlinks from other websites to your own. Backlinks are links that point from other websites to your website. They are an important factor in SEO because search engines use them as a way to measure the quality and relevance of a website. The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the more likely it is to rank well in search engine results.

There are many different strategies for link building, including creating high-quality content that other websites will want to link to, reaching out to websites and bloggers to ask for links, and participating in online communities and forums to build relationships and earn natural links. It is important to note that link building should be done in a natural and authentic way, as search engines may penalize websites that engage in manipulative or spammy link building practices.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in SEO involves studying the search engine optimization strategies and tactics used by your competitors to rank well in search engine results. This can help you identify opportunities to improve your own SEO efforts and get ahead of your competitors in the search rankings.

There are several ways to do competitor analysis in SEO, including the following:

  1. Identify your competitors: Start by identifying the websites that are ranking well for the keywords you are targeting. These are your main competitors.

  2. Analyze their website and content: Look at the content on your competitors’ websites and pay attention to the keywords they are using and the way they are using them. This can give you ideas for your own content and help you identify opportunities to differentiate your website.

  3. Check their backlink profile: Use a tool like Ahrefs or Majestic to see who is linking to your competitors’ websites. This can give you ideas for your own link building efforts and help you understand what types of links are most valuable for your competitors.

  4. Monitor their search rankings: Use a tool like SEMrush or Google Search Console to track the search rankings of your competitors over time. This can help you see how their rankings are changing and identify any shifts in their SEO strategy.

  5. Keep an eye on their social media presence: Follow your competitors on social media and pay attention to the types of content they are sharing and the way they are interacting with their audience. This can give you ideas for your own social media strategy and help you identify opportunities to stand out.

E-Commerce SEO

E-commerce SEO is the practice of optimizing an online store in order to rank higher in search engine results and attract more relevant traffic. This is important because high search engine rankings can lead to more traffic and sales for an e-commerce store.

Some specific strategies that can be effective for e-commerce SEO include optimizing product titles and descriptions with relevant keywords, using unique and informative product tags, creating high-quality content that includes relevant keywords, and using image alt tags to describe the content of images on the website. It is also important to make sure that the website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, as this can impact its search engine rankings and the user experience.

Other important factors for e-commerce SEO include having a well-designed and user-friendly website, using clear and concise URLs, and having a fast and secure checkout process. By implementing these and other best practices, e-commerce stores can improve their search engine rankings and drive more relevant traffic to their websites.

Benefits Of SEO Services

There are many benefits to using SEO services for your business or website. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Improved search engine rankings

By optimizing your website for relevant keywords, you can improve its rankings in search engine results and increase the visibility of your website to potential customers.

2. Increased website traffic

Higher search engine rankings can lead to more traffic to your website, as more people will be able to discover your website through search engines.

3. Higher sales and revenue:

More traffic to your website can lead to increased sales and revenue, as more people will be exposed to your products or services.

4. Better user experience:

SEO can improve the usability and user experience of your website, making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for and navigate the website.

5. Cost-effective:

SEO can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic and sales to your website, especially when compared to traditional forms of advertising.

6. Long-term results:

Unlike paid advertising, the results of SEO efforts can last for the long term, as long as the website continues to be optimized for search engines.

Frequently Asked Questions

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: Approximate AverageCosts Lies between 10K To 25K A Month
PPC MARKETING: Approximate Average Costs Lies Between 8K to 25K a month
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: Approximate Average Costs Lies Between 12K to 25K per month

These are:-
Business Size(Small, Medium or Large)
Business Goals
Years of Business Establishment
Strategy Complexity

Digital Marketing has never disappointed any industry. It has brought maximum benefits to several business owners at a price they can afford.
Let’s Take An Example Of A Fitness Professional
A fitness professional can utilize every constituent of digital marketing to its fullest.
Let’s See How:
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: He/she can get high rank of his/her fitness training center by through Keyword Optimization
PAY PER CLICK ADVERTISING: During vacations, he/she can grab more customers by running paid Ad Campaigns on Google
EMAIL MARKETING: Can showcase his/her business to more and more trainees by sending them mails
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: He/she can optimize profile on Social Media and Run Paid Ad Campaigns
CONTENT MARKETING: Can spread fitness awareness to people by the help of blogs, videos, e-books   books to promote your business


Digital Marketing can drive tremendous results to the following industries:

  • Apparel
  • Automobile
  • Beauty
  • Education
  • Employment and job training
  • Finance and insurance
  • Fitness
  • Home improvement
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial services
  • Real estate
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Law
  • Cleaning
  • Travel and hospitality